AVS 71 Plenary Lecture
Professor Michael Manfra, the Bill and Dee O’Brien Distinguished Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Professor of Materials Engineering, and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University, who serves as Scientific Director of Microsoft Quantum Lab, will present the Plenary Lecture on Monday, September 22, 2025, 5:30-6:30 p.m. and followed by the AVS 71 Welcome Mixer.
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AVS Quantum Science Workshop (All-Invited Session)
The quantum industry is currently evolving rapidly, with progress made in several aspects including materials synthesis, device fabrication, algorithm and library development, and exploration of early applications of quantum computing, sensing, storage, and networks. The quantum sector not only seeks technological and scientific advancements on a fundamental level but also urgently needs to train a skilled workforce adept at bridging quantum mechanics, mathematics, computer science, and domain-specific sciences. While this is true for many interdisciplinary fields, there is a risk that the gap that needs to be bridged is particularly large between the fundamental fields of quantum mechanics, math, computer science, and domain science. In this all-invited session, we will have speakers from academia, industry, national labs, non-profit, and funding agencies. They will share insights on the current state of the art, highlight ongoing challenges, propose strategies to address these issues and brainstorm on what is most needed immediately to shape the near-term future of the workforce that will support the quantum industry. This Workshop will be followed by a number of QS mini-symposium sessions throughout the week that will explore the different aspects of quantum science and technology.
We invite all AVS attendees to join this pivotal workshop to help define strategies for advancing our industry and training the next generation of quantum professionals. Your insights are valuable in shaping a dynamic and responsive quantum workforce.
AQS1: AVS Quantum Science Workshop Oral Session (ALL-INVITED SESSION)
Invited Speakers:
- Government/National Lab: Matthew LaHaye, AFRL
- Non-profit: Satyavolu Papa Rao, NY CREATES, “Enabling the Scaling of Superconducting Quantum Devices in a 300 mm Wafer Fab”
- Celebrating International Year of Quantum: John Martinis, UCSB, NIST, QoLab
- Industry: Matthew Hunt, AWS
- Academia: Richard Ross, Program Director for UCLA MS degree in quantum
This workshop is just the beginning of a week filled with QS scientific sessions that will delve deeper into the technical advancements of quantum science and technology.
Biomaterials Plenary (All-Invited Session) (BP)
The Biomaterials Interfaces program kicks off with the traditional Biomaterials Plenary Session. This year we are pleased to have presentations from three prominent scientists who will present seminars, including, “Protein Structure at Interfaces – Its Where the Action Is” by Tobias Wiedner (Aarhus University), and the speakers listed below.
BP1: Biomaterials Plenary Session (ALL-INVITED SESSION)
Invited Speakers:
- Ashley Brown, NCSU and UNC-Chapel Hill
- Sebastian Diaz, Naval Research Laboratory
- Tobias Weidner, Aarhus University, Denmark, “Protein Structure at Interfaces – Its Where the Action Is”
Nanoscale Science and Technology Plenary Session (All-Invited) (NSP)
The Nanoscale Science and Technology Division starts the week with a plenary session featuring a talk from the Nanotechnology Recognition Award winner. Following this talk, we will have our Early Career and Graduate Student competitions. Please join us for these engaging talks on nanoscale science and technology and for lively discussion during a reception, immediately after the competitions.
NSP1: Nanoscale Science and Technology Plenary Session (ALL-INVITED SESSION)
- Zetian Mi, University of Michigan
Exhibitor Technology Spotlight Session (EW)
The Exhibitor Technology Sessions will take place in the stage area of the exhibition during the technical session breaks on Tuesday and Wednesday. These sessions are free and open to all registered AVS 71 attendees. This is your opportunity to learn about new products, research techniques, and services offered by AVS exhibitors. Each session is followed by a brief Q&A session making it a truly interactive learning experience. After the sessions, you may visit the presenting exhibitors at their booths to further discuss any points that you would like to receive more details on. Come learn how new technology can benefit your research efforts! To reserve your spot, please contact us at exhibits@avs.org.
EW1: Exhibitor Technology Spotlight Session
Undergraduate Poster Session (UN)
AVS 71 will host its fifth annual undergraduate poster session, open to any undergraduate conducting research on an AVS-related topic. This special session provides undergraduate researchers the opportunity to present and network with students, professors, and industry leaders! We welcome the newest members of AVS to share their important work with all Society members and greatly encourage participation. Registration is discounted for undergraduate students and limited travel assistance may be available. Cash awards will be given for the top poster presentations!
UN1: Undergraduate Poster Session
AVS Late-Breaking Abstract Submissions:
There will be opportunities for the presentation of post-deadline discoveries in all fields relevant to the AVS membership. Submissions that address topics in surfaces, interfaces, films, nanometer-scale phenomena, emerging technologies, or new innovations. Abstracts will be solicited starting in mid-June for either (1) an individual 15-minute oral presentation, or (2) a poster presentation. Our Call for Late Breaking Abstracts will launch in mid-June with a July 28, 2025 deadline. Submissions will be used to fill holes in the program and grow the poster sessions, and they must be submitted via the AVS website by Monday, July 28, 2025. Notification of acceptance/rejection will be made soon thereafter. Please check the AVS 71 website for details and submission guidelines in mid-June, after the AVS 71 Technical Program launches.
AVS Sponsorship Program:
AVS is a not-for-profit Society that offers a myriad of services, programs, and events related to science and technology in the fields of vacuum, materials, interfaces, and processing to scientists and engineers from around the world. An extensive recognition and exposure program, which is active before and during the Symposium, is available to our Symposium Sponsors. Symposium Sponsor logos will appear on the AVS website, in the Technical/Exhibitor Program, on signage and slide shows at the Symposium. The earlier AVS Symposium Sponsorships ensure the greatest exposure. To learn more about Sponsorship opportunities, please contact exhibits@avs.org or Yvonne Towse at 212-248-0200 ext. 222 or yvonne@avs.org.