This topic will bring together leaders in the semiconductor manufacturing industry, including those funded by the CHIPs Act. As the industry expands manufacturing capabilities and launches new facilities, many areas of research and development are influencing the future of the industry.
Areas of Interest: CPS+ MS is seeking abstracts in work related to semiconductor manufacturing challenges such as:
- Metrology
- Reliability
- Quality control
- Sustainability
- Digital twins
- Processing equipment
- 5D and 3D packaging
- User facilities
- Workforce Development for a rapidly growing industrial demand
CPS+MS1: CHIPS Act: Semiconductor Manufacturing Science and Technologies Oral Session
Invited Speakers:
- Robert J. Baseman, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, “Digital Twins and the SRC MAPT2 Chapter on Digital Twins and Applications”
- Richard Geer, NY CREATES
- Moon Kim, University of Texas at Dallas
- Bahgat Sammakia, Binghamton University, “Overview of research at the Center for Heterogeneous Integration Research in Packaging (CHIRP)”
- Michelle Williams-Vaden, SEMI Foundation, “Workforce Development in the Semiconductor Industry: Challenges, Strategies, and Solutions”
CPS+MS2: CHIPS Act: Semiconductor Manufacturing Science and Technologies Poster Session