The AP program aims to provide a unique forum to expand the scope of atomic layer deposition (ALD) and atomic layer etching (ALE) processes toward understanding the fundamentals needed to achieve true atomic scale precision and the application of such processing on various areas of interest to the broader AVS community. The emphasis will be on synergistic efforts, across multiple AVS divisions and groups, to generate area-selective processes as well as novel characterization methods to advance the field of processing at the atomic scale. We are excited to offer several sessions in collaboration with Plasma Science & Technology Division, the Thin Film Division as well as the Electronic Materials and Photonics Division focusing on area selective deposition, atomic layer process chemistry & surface characterization, both thermal and plasma-based atomic layer etching, and atomic layer deposition.
Areas of Interest: AP is seeking abstracts in the following areas:
AP1: Area Selective Processing and Patterning
AP2: Advancing Metrology and Characterization to Enable Atomic Scale Processing
AP3: Atomic Layer Processing: Integration of Deposition and Etching for Advanced Material Processing
AP4: Thermal and Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Etching
AP5: Thermal and Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition
AP6: Emerging Applications for ALD including Precursors and Surface Reactions
AP7: Atomic Scale Processing Poster Session