The MI program will focus on two fascinating areas in magnetism. The first session will address how to control and engineer spins in real space, momentum space, and time on nanoscale structures to manipulate the macroscopic manifestation of magnetic properties. The second session will highlight the latest research in the very new field of altermagnetism. Both of these sessions will give researchers working at forefront issues in magnetism an opportunity to present and share their work. In addition, we are planning a special focus session on careers in magnetism/physics that will feature several early career researchers as well as a moderated career panel. In addition, we will select the best graduate student presentation from finalists for the Leo Falicov Award and will also offer an award for postdoctoral fellows who will be presenting papers at the MI sessions. The winners of both awards will be announced towards the end of the meeting.
Areas of Interest: MI’s program will focus on two particular areas and it will feature a focus session on careers in physics. The two scientific focus areas of interest are:
- Spin Phenomena and Engineering in Real Space, Momentum Space and Time
- Novel Magnetic Phenomena: Altermagnetism and More
MI1: Magnetic Interfaces and Nanostructures Oral Session
Invited Speakers:
- Miaofang Chi, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Jyoti Katoch, Carnegie Mellon University
- Simranjeet Singh, Carnegie Mellon University
- Libor Smejkal, University Mainz
MI2: Magnetic Interfaces and Nanostructures Poster Session