The EM Division is soliciting abstracts that will address the latest advancements in a wide variety of materials and devices for quantum information systems, computing, and memory, as well as, energy conversion, storage and harvesting. Abstracts that report experimental and theoretical discoveries underpinning the structure-property-synthesis correlations of new materials and their integration into devices are welcome. For AVS 71, EMPD is particularly seeking abstracts that fall under several broad thematic areas: 1) The Emerging Frontiers in Quantum Materials and Devices Session will highlight the materials and process challenges as applied to quantum and advanced computing, sensing, and energy applications. 2) The Emerging Memories Session will highlight materials and integration of novel memory devices including ferroelectrics, resistive-RAM, spin tunneling-RAM, and magnetoresistive-RAM. Developments in materials leading to progress in the manufacturing and application of photonic memory are encouraged. 3) The Wide Bandgap and Ultra-Wide Bandgap Materials and Devices Session will concentrate on semiconductors used in extreme environments, such as those with high or low temperatures, ionizing radiation, or energetic particles, high-power and RF-electronics, deep-UV optoelectronics, and quantum electronics. 4) The Advance in Materials and Processes for Devices and Interconnects (FEOL and BEOL) Session will focus on manufacturing aspects of semiconductor materials, processes, and integration, as applied to low-power logic, memory and high-to-ultrahigh wide bandgap devices. Manufacturing strategies that enable 2D materials-based devices, new interconnects and BEOL devices are encouraged. Lastly, 5) The Evolution of Materials for Energy Harvesting, Storage, and Conversion Session will focus on advanced materials and novel structural and engineering strategies that exploit alternative energy sources. Energy materials include dielectric materials for energy storage, ferroelectrics, piezoelectrics, thermoelectrics, photocatalysis, photovoltaics, fuel cells, batteries and supercapacitors. Other energy-related functional materials and devices are welcome. A joint mini-symposium (a roundtable discussion of industry/academia and government leaders) on the CHIPS Act will be organized in conjunction with the CHIPS Act Mini-Symposium (CPS) to discuss opportunities in growing the community of quantum materials and device researchers. A Flash Poster session is being organized to encourage poster presenters to showcase their work as part of the oral sessions. As in past years, we will offer multiple awards including a graduate student poster and presentation awards as well as post-doc and graduate student travel awards to help create a forum in which younger scientists can present their work and develop relationships for the future.
Areas of Interest: EM is soliciting abstracts that will address the latest advancements in a wide variety of materials and devices for quantum information systems, computing, and memory, as well as, energy conversion, storage and harvesting. Abstracts that report experimental and theoretical discoveries underpinning the structure-property-synthesis correlations of new materials and their integration into devices are welcome. For AVS 71, EM is particularly seeking abstracts that fall under the following broad thematic areas:
- Materials and Devices in Quantum and Advanced Computing, Sensing, and Energy Applications
- Materials and Devices in Emerging Memories
- Materials and Devices in Wide Bandgap and Ultra-Wide Bandgap
- Materials and Processes for Devices and Interconnects (FEOL and BEOL)
- Materials and Devices for Energy Harvesting, Storage, and Conversion
EM1: Electronic Materials and Photonics Oral Session
Invited Speakers:
- Kirstin Alberi, National Renewable Energy Lab
- Lars Grabow, University of Houston
- Kyle Kelley, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Charles Marcus, University of Washington
- John Muth, North Carolina State University
- Lisa Porter, Carnegie Mellon University, “Ga2O3 Polymorphs: Epitaxial Film Growth, Characterization and Contacts”
- Ramamoorthy Ramesh, Rice University
- Laura Schelhas, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Zlatko Sitar, North Carolina State University
- Dan Stick, Sandia National Lab
EM2: Electronic Materials and Photonics Poster Session