The BI Division is organizing a series of sessions to provide an interdisciplinary forum for the presentation and discussion of fundamental aspects of bio-interface science, engineering, and state-of-the-art characterization methods. The BI program brings together recent advances in biomaterials science with those in imaging, diagnostics, surface and interface analysis methods, and theoretical and computational approaches to model biological systems, starting with the traditional Sunday afternoon Plenary Session on Advances in Biomaterials Science. We enthusiastically invite abstract submissions in any of the Areas of Interest below. We also invite submissions of Flash/Poster Presentations, to be made in a dedicated session with an accompanying Networking Session during the AVS-wide poster session. Joint BID/Biointerphases prizes will be awarded for the best student Flash/Poster presentations. Early career scientists should check out the Biointerphases Special Topic Collection, The Future of Biointerface Science 2025. This collection will feature the perspective early-career scientists have on the future of biointerface science. Postdocs and senior PhD students are particularly encouraged to contribute. Selected contributing authors will be invited to present their work and compete for the Biointerphases Ascending Researcher Award. All invited speakers will be supported by a travel award and the winner of the Ascending Researcher Award and associated article will be widely promoted via email and on social and professional networks.
Areas of Interest: BI is seeking abstracts in the following areas:
- Biomolecules and Biophysics at Interfaces
- Characterization of Biological and Biomaterials Surfaces
- New Methods For Analysis of 3D Biomaterial Samples
Vibrational Spectroscopy in Biomaterial and Interface Science - Functional Materials and Biosensing
Future of Biointerface Science Collection (ALL-INVITED SESSION) - SIMS characterization of Biomaterials (joint with the Applied Surface Science Division)
BI1: Biomaterial Interfaces Oral Sessions
Invited Speakers:
- Narayan Bhattarai, North Carolina A&T State University
- Zhan Chen, University of Michigan, “Determine Protein Conformation and Orientation at Buried Solid/Liquid Interfaces in Situ”
- Jon Pham, University of Cincinnati
BI2: Biomaterial Interfaces Poster Session